Surviving Winter


Keep Them Warm, Keep Them Alive

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Keep Them Warm, Keep Them Alive

As winter arrives with its freezing temperatures and long nights, there is a bitter reality that none of us can ignore even if you live in a well heated home, have proper clothing and warm food.

This harsh season brings suffering for millions across the globe who are live completely exposed to extreme conditions. Many find themselves without a roof over their heads because of natural disasters, and wars.

Our Winter Campaign is more than just a response to the seasonal hardships: it’s a response to urgency of disasters around the world.

Muslim Hands will be distributing your donations to the people of Pakistan and Lebanon. There are families whose houses have been destroyed from last year’s floods, and they have no means to repair them.

Families in Lebanon need food and clothing urgently due to the frigid temperatures. You can change their lives- whether it’s by providing food and clothes for the most vulnerable population- the kids and elderly or provide blankets and heaters for families at large.

Keep them warm, Keep them alive.

Sponsor a freezing family

Winter Appeal - Sponsor A Family


Help Sajwal and his family warm and alive.

Sajwal khan is 12 year young Pakistani boy with four other siblings and his mother. He lives with his family in the mountains of Madyan, the coldest district in Swat.

Sajawal's mother is the sole breadwinner in the household and she faces significant challenges in fulfilling the basic needs of her children, as her income is taken up by paying for her house rent.

In order to help his mother financially, Sajwal used to work in Madyan Bazar by carrying vegetables and assisting shop keepers. However, this income would not be sufficient and often leaving Sajwal and his siblings deprived of their basic needs.

Their house was destroyed in the horrific flooding in 2022 and the helpless family are left to survive in a shelter made of stones, mud and a plastic sheet. Due to rising price of food and lack of work available, Sajwal and his family will be forced to face the cold without any means of protection.

Sajwal is unable to afford the necessary items that can keep them warm this winter. The family are dependent on Zakat in order to survive.

This winter, you can help families like Sajwal's and protect them from frigid temperatures by providing food, clothes and shelter.

Keep Them Warm, Keep Them Alive

Muslim Hands USA

Muslim Hands is an international aid agency and NGO working worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. Muslim Hands USA is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization (No. 27-4155655).