Yemen Emergency Appeal


Help now to save lives

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Yemen: has been the worst man-made crisis of the past 9 years. And just last week was the worst it has ever been- with bombing, and people dying in capsized boats while trying to escape the ever-worst escalation since 2023.

According to the UN the recent escalation “shows the real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation.”

Astonishingly more than 21.6 million individuals are in need of humanitarian aid, that’s two-thirds of the total population. Among them 13 million are children-according to WHO.

The number of children under five is 41 deaths per 1,000 live births, while the infant mortality rate is 33 deaths per 1,000 live births.

At such a time your generosity empowers Muslim Hands teams to provide vital emergency relief directly in the most heavily impacted regions.

In response to the widespread famine and malnutrition, we support bread factories in Aden and Ma’rib.

With your aid, we run clinics for all the urgent needs of emergency, aid maternity, or children's care in Aden and other rural areas of Yemen.

We are also fighting the water crisis through aid by rehabilitating a deep water well or major water infrastructure, providing communities with clean, safe water and sanitation.
Your donation brings life!

Key Facts

Yemen is facing a humanitarian catastrophe

More then 70 percent of the country lacks clean water

Every ten minutes, a child under five in Yemen dies of preventable causes

21 million are in need of health assistance

Act now, save lives

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Our Work in Yemen

Bread Factories: Join the Fight Against Hunger

In Yemen millions face the daily challange of finding enough food to survive. 2.2 million children under the age of 5 face malnutrition.

Your donation can provide "the only meal they will have in the day. This basic item will stop thousands of people from starving.” [Abdul Rahman Hussein, Country Director Yemen Programmes]

To fight malnutrition and hunger we are running bread factories in Aden and Ma'rib.

These factories support the most vulnerable of the Yemeni population: widows, orphans, and those with disabilities. They will be providing thousands of loaves of bread every single day. 

A Loaf of Bread Gives a Promise of Hope and Life

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Medical Clinics : Yemen Health Crisis

Two-thirds of the population of Yemen is facing a state of emergency due to diseases from lack of nutrition and unsafe water. 

More than half of all health facilities in Yemen are non-existent leaving millions helpless. 

Malnutrition rates among women and children in Yemen remain among the highest in the world, with 1.3 million pregnant or breastfeeding women requiring treatment for acute malnutrition.

Our health clinics provide vulnerable families in rural villages with healthcare, medicine and nutrition services, including prioritizing pregnant women and children for nutrition testing.

As well as spread medical awareness sessions to help families better care for themselves.

Your donation is vital to being a beacon of light for these families a step toward hopelessness.

Children in Yemen are dying of preventable diseases. Let's put an end to this tragedy.

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Help Quench Thirst: Provide Safe Water in Yemen

Access to clean water is a fundamental human right. The lack of clean accessible water has caused a severe cholera outbreak in Yemen. Nearly a third of all cholera cases are children under the age of 5. 

Access to safe drinking water can prevent cholera and other diseases from spreading in vulnerable communities.

Thanks to your generosity we are able to build solar-powered wells and rehabilitate existing water systems. as well as train communities on how to main water systems implemented in their community. 


Our upcoming plans include restoring wells in various camps and villages to support upwards of 75,000 Yemenis in Lahj, Marib, Shabowa, Al Dhale’e, and Taiz.

Your donations will ensure that people don’t have to walk for miles just for a bucket of contaminated water – it will save and transform the lives of thousands across Yemen. 

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Save Lives in Yemen Today

Help the people of Yemen

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "O Allah! Bless our Sham and our Yemen." - Abdullah bin Umar

Yemen Emergency
Muslim Hands USA

Muslim Hands is an international aid agency and NGO working worldwide to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. Muslim Hands USA is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization (No. 27-4155655).