What is the 15th Night of Shaban? The Blessings of Laylat al-Bara'ah

The Importance of Laylat al-Bara'ah in Hadith
There are various reports regarding the virtues of this night. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said:
"Allah gazes at His creation on the night of the mid-Shaban and pardons all of them, except for the one who associates partners with Him or one who has enmity in his heart."
(Ibn Majah)
This hadith stresses repentance, forgiveness of grudges, and seeking mercy from Allah.
How to Make the Most of This Night
- Seek Forgiveness (Istighfar & Du'a)
It's a night of mercy, so seek forgiveness of your previous misdeeds and earnestly seek the guidance and blessings of Allah.
- Offer Additional Prayers (Nafl Salah)
While no particular prayer is prescribed, providing additional Nafl salah, i.e., Tahajjud, is highly recommended.
- Recite the Qur'an
Reconnect with the Qur'an by reciting and reflecting upon its guidance.
- Give in Charity (Sadaqah & Zakat)
Giving charity was emphasized by the Prophet (PBUH), especially on blessed nights. Help those in need by sponsoring projects like feeding a family, and emergency relief through Muslim Hands USA.
- Mend Relationships & Let Go of Grudges
Purify your heart from grudges and mend fences, for grudges can hold back Allah's mercy.
- Fast on 15th of Shaban (Optional Sunnah Fast)
Not required but a Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) and a highly recommended one at that.

Preparing for Ramadan
This night is a spiritual milestone pre-Ramadan. Utilize it to renew intentions, prepare for Ramadan, and increase acts of worship.
Help the Needy in Shaban
The most effective way to beg Allah for mercy is kindness to others. Give charity towards life-giving projects like:
✅ Feeding Families in Need
✅ Gaza, Yemen, & Syria Emergency Relief
✅ Water Wells & Clean Water Projects
Donate now at Muslim Hands USA.
Laylat al-Bara'ah is a night of great mercy and a night of spiritual rejuvenation.
May we all benefit from this blessed night to the fullest, and may Allah bless us with His forgiveness and permit us to enter Ramadan with a clean heart. Ameen.