What is the Spiritual Significance of the Day of Arafah?
The Day of Afarah is the most important day of the year for Muslims. It is a crucial religious observance in Islam and a vital part of the hajj.
What is the Day of Arafah, and why is it a blessed day?
The Day of Arafah is a significant event in the Islamic calendar, marking the completion of the message of Islam and the bestowal of Allah's favor upon Prophet Muhammad. It is a day of supplication, devotion, and seeking forgiveness from Allah.
And Prophet muhammad(PUBH) said: Hajj is day of arafah.(Nasi'a)
When is the Day of Arafah observed in 2024?
The Day of Arafah is expected to be observed on June 15th, 2024, although the date may vary slightly based on the crescent moon sighting for the month of Dhul Hijjah.
The day of Arafah falls on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, a precursor to Eid ul-Adha and a key component of the Hajj pilgrimage.
Muslims around the world will fast, engage in dhikr, and supplicate, drawing nearer to Allah whether at home or on the plains of Arafat.

The Day of Arafah holds a special place among Muslims, marking a significant moment when the heavens bore witness to Islam’s completion and Allah’s favor was completed upon Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). It is a day imbued with good deeds, blessings, and forgiveness.
Allah(swt) when referring to the day of Arafah in Surah al-Maidah says:
”Today, I have perfected for you your religion, completed My favour upon and blessing, and have approved for you Islam as your religion.”
[Quran 5:3]
On this significant day, Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), while standing on Mount Arafat’s sacred plains during his last hajj, announced the conclusion of prophethood and Islam’s perfection, reflecting Quranic revelation from Surah Al-Maidah. This revered day, also known as Yawm Al-Waqf, captures the essence of the pilgrim’s spiritual journey, inviting every Muslim to partake in its blessings, whether near or far from the hallowed grounds of Arafat.

The Connection to Hajj
The Day of Arafah is one of the mandatory rites of Hajj, the yearly pilgrimage trip that is the fifth pillar of Islam. As you perform Hajj, you must go to Mount Aarafat and spend a day there. As pilgrims clad in the ihram converge on the vast plains of Arafat, they embody the very heart of Hajj, their souls laid bare in supplication and hope for divine forgiveness.
Allah expresses His pride to His angels at the time of ‘Isha’ on the Day of ‘Arafah, about the people of ‘Arafah. He says, ‘Look at My slaves who have come unkempt and dusty.’
[ Ahmad]
You can learn about how the pilgrims spend the day of Arafah in “The Second Day of Hajj 9th Dhul-Hijjah"
The Essence of Arafah: Seeking Forgiveness and Mercy
The Day of Arafah is a significant day for Muslims around the world. Seeking forgiveness for past sins is a key aspect of the Day of Arafah.
Muslims believe that on this day, Allah's mercy and forgiveness are abundant, and it is a time to repent and seek His blessings. The Day of Arafah is also connected to the promised day, the Day of Resurrection, emphasizing its significance.
Many Muslims fast on this day, as it is believed to expiate sins of the previous year and the coming year.
The Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) said:
“There is no day on which Allah frees people from the Fire more so than on the day of ’Arafah. He comes close to those (people standing on ’Arafah), and then He reveals before His Angels saying, ’What are these people seeking.”
The Day of Arafah is a divine invitation to seek the boundless mercy of Allah, a day when the gates of forgiveness are flung wide open for those who come with repentant hearts. It is narrated that the Prophet Muhammad's(PBUH) words affirm the Almighty’s mercy overshadow all.
The entire day of Arafah is not just a time for seeking mercy, but also a day when Allah takes pride in His servants’ dedication and supplications. As the distressed and sincere worshippers raise their hands in prayer, Allah testifies to the angels of His mercy and forgiveness, affirming His love and pride for the gathered faithful who seek His benevolence.

What are the rewards for fasting on the Day of Arafah?
Fasting on the Day of Arafah is believed to bring about the forgiveness of sins for the past year and the coming year, according to Islamic belief.
Fasting on the Day of Arafah stands as a sunnah, a prophetic tradition, for Muslims who are not amidst the valleys of Mina or the Mount of Arafat performing Hajj.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said about fasting on the day of Arafah "
It expiates the sins of the previous year and the coming year."

What is the best Supplication for the day of Arafah?
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
The best supplication is that of the Day of `Arafah, and the best thing that I and other Prophets before me said, is:
لَا اِلٰہَ ِالّا اللہُ وَحدَہُ ، لَا شَرِیکَ لَہُ ، لَہُ المُلکُ وَ لَہُ الحَمدُ وھُوَ علیٰ کُلِّ شیٔ قَدِیر
La ilaha illa allahu wahdahu la sharika lah, lahu al-mulku wa lahu al-hamdu wa huwa `ala kulli shai’in qadeer.
There is no god but Allah alone. He has no partners. To Him belong sovereignty and all praise. He has power over all things.
There is a great reward for the person who says this phrase as all according to hadith: his/her sins will be forgiven, even though they may be equal to the waves of the sea (Bukhari and Muslim).
As the sun arches across the sky, from Dhuhr until Maghrib, the believer is encouraged to immerse themselves in a sea of remembrance and personal pleas with Allah(swt)
What's the best dhikr to do on the day of Arafah?
It is a Sunnah of our Prophet (PBUH) to recite the Tahleel, Takbeer, and Tahmeed as many times as possible on the day of Arafah and also on the days of Tashreeq (11th, 12th, and 13th of Dhul Hijjah).
Tahleel is to say "Laa ilaaha il-lal-laah"
Takbeer is to say "Allahu Akbar"
Tahmeed is to say "Alhamdulillaah"
Tasbeeh is to say "Subhanallaah".
By staying focused on these practices, believers can make the most of this sacred ninth day of Dhul Hijjah the best day of the year. Thus doubling the joy and rewards of sacrifice on Eid-ul-Adha with a clear and clean heart. May Allah accept our duas in this final month and help us make the most of these most important days of dhul hijjah Ameen.