When is Eid ul Adha 2024?
What is Eid ul Adha?
Eid ul Adha is one of the two Eid’s celebrated in the Islamic calendar. It marks the completion of a yearly Muslim pilgrimage known as the Hajj.
How long is Eid ul Adha?
Eid ul Adha is a 3-day holiday.
When is Eid ul Adha in 2024?
Although there are variables moon make determining the specific date difficult, Eid al-Adha 2024 is expected to fall on June 17. It begins on the evening of 9th Dul Hajj, and ends on evening of 12th dul Hajj.
What does Qurbani or Udhiyah mean?
The term ‘Qurbani’ originates from the Arabic word ‘qurban’, which means to approach or drawing near. Thus, it's a sacrifice to come closer to Allah. Udhiyah is another term for the act of sacrificing an animal.
What is the Importance of Qurbani in Islam?
Qurbani is a sacrifice that honors the memory and tradition of the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismaeel in willing to submit to the will of Allah(swt). And how Allah(swt) sparing the life of Prophet Ismaeel.
Who should give Qurbani?
All those who have the nisab (payable amount) of Zakat must offer a sacrifice.
Can you give multiple Qurbani?
Yes, if more than one person qualifies for zakat in your household, you can do multiple Qurbanis.
Is there an alternative to Qurbani?
No, there is no alternative to Qurbani if you qualify.

Is Eid-ul Adha part of the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah?
Yes, Eid ul Adha is part of the first 10 days of Dul Hajj because it’s the last day of Hajj. The act of sacrifice is one of the last acts of Hajj.
What things should I be mindful of about myself if I am offering Qurbani this year?
Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said, “When you see the new moon of Dhul-Hijjah, if any one of you wants to offer a sacrifice, let him not take anything from his hair or nails until he has offered the sacrifice.”
– Sahih Muslim.
So for the 10 days of Dul-Hajj- if you are offering Qurbani- you cut your hair and nails after the sacrifice.
And if you are not offering Qurbani- you can cut them after Eid Prayer.
If I am not giving Qurbani, what can I do as a form of (additional) worship?
As the last 10 nights of Ramadan are the best nights of the year, the first 10 days Dhul-Hijjah are the best days of the year. So, it is recommended that you fast, give to charity, read the Quran, and do dhikr as much as possible to increase your rewards in these 10 days.

Where can I give my Qurbani with Muslim Hands?
For 2024, you can donate your Qurbani in India, Pakistan, Mali, and Yemen.
If you can’t decide where to give your Qurbani - don’t worry! Select our "Where Most Needed," and our teams will allocate your Qurbani to where it is most needed on the ground.
Please note: We have a set quota for Qurbani for each location, so we recommend giving your Qurbani as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
However, you can make your Qurbani order right up until Maghrib time on the third day of Eid. This is because Muslim Hands has already sacrificed the animals in time for Eid distribution, intending that some donors will give their money on the third day.
What is the cost of Qurbani?
You can donate your Qurbani for as low as $70.
Our Qurbanis price varies depending on the location. The cost includes:
- The price of animals always bought and sacrificed locally
- The cost of taking care of the animal to ensure that it is up to the standard for a Qurbani animal - including welfare checks by a qualified vet
- The cost of transporting the animal to the location where it will be sacrificed
- The cost of packing the Qurbani meat and distributing it
How does Muslim Hands choose its Qurbani animals?
All our Qurbani animals are bought and sacrificed locally. We choose the best value animal for each location, whether that is a cow, a sheep, or a goat. Also, we don’t stun our meat to ensure that your qurbani is fully Shariah-compliant.
Why give with Muslims Hands?
When you give your Qurbani with Muslims Hands:
- You support local farmers/herders
- Your sacrifice is stun-free
- your sacrifice is given on Eid days
- you choose your location and budget
- you help reduce global hunger
- your Qurbani is always fresh- never frozen.
Your donation will allow us to feed the hungry and help support livelihoods.