How To Gain Rewards During Winter
For many of us living in places with low temperatures, we know the winter season can be difficult to endure. Less sunlight and cold weather can affect our mood and health, therefore it becomes even more essential to be mindful of our Ibaddah.

The Prophet (SAW) called winter a springtime for the believers because of its long nights that let you pray at the third of the night and the shorter cooler days that make it easy to fast.
However, with shorter days comes increased pressure on ensuring that no prayers are missed. It gets fustrating to feel like there is just not enough time during the day. But by Allah's mercy, we get extra reward for all our deeds as Muslims in winter. For instance there, is an extra reward for doing Wudhu in the cold.

Here are a few tips on hot to not get overwhelmed with short prayer times during the day: have alarm notifications for salah times, wudhu made for Asr can last till Maghrib, have a cozy prayer mat, and a space thats warm for you to pray in. Furthermore, imagine the reward for the struggle of getting out of our warm beds an hour or so before fajr so that we can pray Tahajjud.

Due to winter’s cool days and long nights, we naturally feel less hungry. Longer nights make it easier to be well-rested, thus be refreshed, and active during the day. So, although maintaining consistency in salah may be challenging, the reasons above explain why winter is also the ideal time for fasting outside of Ramadhan. Fasting serves as a reminder of those without food and those lacking necessities.
In countries like Pakistan, many struggle during the winter as they lack the basic essentials they need to survive. You can gain extra rewards this winter by donating food parcels, winter clothes, or even heating up a freezing family’s home.
Embrace the winter season as an opportunity for spiritual growth and acts of kindness!