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Fidyah Fund

If fasting is too difficult for an old man or an old woman, and will cause them intense hardship, then they are allowed not to fast, and they should feed one poor person for each day. If they are also unable to feed a poor person, then they do not have to do anything, for “Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope” [Al-Baqarah 2:286]
If someone is unable to fast during Ramadan due to old age or a chronic illness, they are required to give Fidyah as compensation.
Fidyah ensures that a person in need receives two meals per day throughout the holy month.
Recommended Fidyah Contribution:
🍽 $8 per missed fast – providing meals of the same standard we enjoy ourselves.
🍽 $240 for the full month – covering 30 missed fasts.
For guidance on Fidyah and Kaffarah, we recommend consulting a local scholar or imam.